
I've set up 2 Beewalks near to me as part of the Making a Buzz for the Coast project. One is in a heritage park in a town, the other is out on the salt marshes of the Thames estuary. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust started the concept of Beewalks, the idea is you walk the same route every month and record the bumblebees you see, this produces a great set of data monitoring the local populations and I'm hooked! My inner bee geek loves doing these, I'm starting to get more confident in IDing the bees but it is still difficult at times (they never stay still!)

RSPB Cliffe Pools

So far one of prized finds is the Shrill Carder Bee, the main aim of the project is to save this bee which is only found around the North Kent Coast and a handful of other sites in the UK. I found one last month and on my walk today I saw 6! I've walked 6 miles today to find them but it was worth it! I'll keep you updated on my bumblebee hunting!

Shrill Carder Bee


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